A Little Euro-Inspiration


Yep... it's true.Oh... you already knew?Right... you follow me on Instagram.Or Twitter.Or Facebook.And I am an over sharer, so you know like, all the details of my upcoming trip... such as: I have not yet started packing (and I am leaving Monday). Or how crazy excited I am. Yep, you already know all of that.


If this is all new to you, here are the deets: my husband and I are going to London and Paris for 11 days.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!I am so freaking excited!  I luuuuuuurve London and I have never ever been to Paris, so I'm like over the moon.  We booked this vacation on our first anniversary, so it's been booked since September and yet I feel like I have nothing ready. Typical.In order to further procrastinate on packing and trip-planning, I wanted to share with you some of the best bits or Euro-inspiration I have found on the web lately...This is London and Paris as seen from an obviously great distance!  How cool is that?


Some (potentially) interesting facts about London and Paris:


Neal's Yard in London. So much colour! I've never been to this little corner of London and would love to make it there this time around.

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Though I never bothered to go see the actual bookshop made famous by Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant, I did love strolling the streets in this London neighbourhood for its sweet charm. Now I might get to make it a romantic stroll with my husband, which is even sweeter! Last time I went to London I travelled alone (which I also highly recommend), so this will be a real treat!


What am I most looking forward to in Paris? FOOD!  The bread... oh gosh, the bread.  I've never even had real French bread, but I know I want it. I just really love bread. It's my mission to have it with every meal.


Cheesy? Totally! I am pretty excited to take in this view with my favourite guy, though! There is a LOT I am excited to see and do in Paris, so narrowing this down was tough, but don't worry... you'll be bombarded with pictures when I'm back!


The blog will be very quiet while I'm gone since I did no such thing as plan for guest posts or anything... that would require organization on my part. HA! 

You can follow our journey along on Instagram with the hashtag #MurraysInEurope. It's sure to bring you tons of pictures of food, pretty things, my silly face, and whatever else we encounter on this trip!

Last thing: any essential tips on traveling to these two magical cities? Please? Help me!


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