New House, New Kitchen Plans


You guuuuuuuuys! Remember when I told you we're moving? Well it's still happening. Shocking, right? Also shocking? I suck at packing. So. Yeah. Not shocking at all.Anyway, it's going down in less than 2 weeks and let me tell you, the new house needs WORK!Hands up if you're surprised we bought a house that needs a gazillion projects?No one?Ok then!Obviously I've been busy planning one of our biggest projects for the new house {and EVER}: The Kitchen!!!!Sadly I can't show you the kitchen as is (because the current owner's stuff is still all there and that'd be kind of rude of me?). So instead I'll show you inspiration images and the plans I've put together. Here are a few pins of what I've been dreaming of. 

Pinterest is SO full of inspiration that it can become overwhelming, and my "Kitchens" board is proof that I like a lot of different styles!
See? White kitchens, painted cupboards, islands, no islands, open shelves, closed upper cabinets, glass doors.... So many choices!I think I've pretty much settled on black lowers and a light countertop. I'm still undecided on the uppers. My initial instinct was to go with open shelving, since we'll be building a pantry to go in this kitchen also, but I think it's something I'll need to decide once we're in the house and I can see the space a little bit better! I wish I could share photos of the actual house, but I promise those will be coming your way very very soon. I can promise you that lots will be shared on Snapchat, so if you want to see it all happening right before your eyes, be sure to follow along!The Learner Observer Snap CodeFor now, let me leave you with a rough plan I came up with for the kitchen, which has already changed at least 19 times!Rough kitchen plans - The Learner ObserverRough kitchen plans - The Learner ObserverAgain, this is very rough right now and I already hate looking at the cabinets above the fridge, but this is where I last left off. What I AM loving so far? The island, lots of counter space, and a built in area for the microwave on a lower cabinet.If you've ever planned an IKEA kitchen before, please feel free to share ALL of your wisdom with me on the subject, k?In the meantime, wish us luck. Packing is the pits!


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