The Learner Observer

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Organize Your Medicine Cabinet for $4

It's the time of year when being cooped up inside thanks to either the ridiculous cold or the immense amounts of snow outside starts to make me feel like I have ants in my pants.  I just want to get up and move everything, organize all the things and just turn everything upside down!So what do I do to keep me from going absolutely insane? I take control of the small things that CAN be changed without needing to be spray painted outside or any major power tools. In comes the medicine cabinet.

medicine cabinet organization for $4.jpgI opened it up one day and let out a big sigh. Why was this little space so underused in a bathroom with so little storage? Why was I reaching down under the sink to get cotton swabs out of their awkward box when I use them so frequently and it should be WAY easier to access them? There were no good answers to these questions.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIn comes Target.  As usual. Their Dollar Bins are ridiculously addicting and awesome in every way! I purchased 8 containers. They were 2 for $1, so this all cost me a whopping FOUR DOLLARS to organize.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI stuck with white and grey because there's no need to add more colour to the medicine cabinet when there's already such a rainbow of colours in there. Plus, the doors are glass and you can see right in there. I loved how soft the bins were, and they are the PERFECT size for tiny shelves.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI started by throwing out all of the expired/broken/useless things and adding a few items I knew needed to be in the medicine cabinet like the cotton swabs and pads for makeup removal.

Medicine cabinet organization for $4 by The Learner ObserverOne of the containers is actually empty. Yep, that's the one with the "?" up there. You know there will be something in there in no time - I'm thinking allergy meds, which we always need in this house during the Spring.

With the door closed, I feel like this cabinet is now much less embarrassing and messy and so much more useful and cleaner looking.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is not quite a 5-minute fix like the boot tray or the cutting boards, but it's definitely something that is fairly quick to do (if you don't have to sift through old medicine like I did).  The best part about these simple projects is how completely satisfying they are!  Honestly, I opened the doors at least 10 times the day I organized this and I made Alex go look at it the second he got home from work. Now, every time I open the doors I can quickly get what I need and not need to move other things around to see what's hiding behind what.

I definitely thought about adding labels to the containers - yes, Pinterest inspired me there - but being that this is a space only Alex and I ever see, and everything is open and easy to see, I felt like I'd be adding labels just for the sake of making my images Pinterest friendly and I ain't about that! If we had kids, it might make more sense. For two grown ups? Not so much.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThere you have it, friends! Now get to Target, buy some tiny bins and go organize that crazy-looking medicine cabinet of yours. 

Remember: it's ohhh soooo satisfying!xosignature 1