Terrarium #1


I have done it! I have finally used the plants that have been sitting on top of my fridge for 2 months, and the rocks sitting in the bookcase just as long, and the vases I bought at Home Sense 3 weeks ago for some good (this round one was a whopping $7.99).  I have made my very first terrarium!  Isn't it pretty?

I've obviously been meaning to get to this for some time, and last night I just decided it was finally time.  I got the remaining ingredients needed and got to work.  Would you believe this only took me about 30 minutes to make?  And that was with taking photo breaks and petting the dog/getting him off the table breaks!  I quite love it.    The little round fuzzy plants are my favourite.  And the moss... love moss!  Ok show and tell time!  Here's how I did it:Step 1: Put rocks in.  I used 2 bags (purchased at IKEA) because my container is very wide.  The rocks are there for water drainage.  Wouldn't want to drown your little plants!

29 October 2012

Steps 2&3: Add charcoal/carbon.  I bought this little container in the pet section of Walmart.  This is an important step because it keeps the water clean in your pretty terrarium so your plants won't die.  Now add the soil.  I just got some regular potting soil for this.  There are fancy schmancy soils out there, but my plants have been living in crummy IKEA soil on top of the fridge for 2 months - I didn't think they needed fancy!

29 October 20121

Step 4: Get your little pretties in there!  Here are my beloved.  You can also see the container with just soil in it.  I have 2-3 inches of soil.  You can use more, but probably not less.  Some of these little plants have lots of roots, so they need space to grow.  You can see I got my assorted succulents for $3.99 at IKEA.  Good deal?  Not sure... If they live I say yes!

29 October 20122

Step 5: Moss.  I happen to think the little plants look nice with just the new fresh soil, but I did add some fancy moss (purchased at Michael's for $9.99, which was the moss variety bag).  I like whatever that tan/brown moss is.  It's different, and the texture is so great!  There's some super fuzzy moss in there, but you can hardly see it.  I might move it over to the edges for some more visibility.

29 October 20123

Step 6: Sit back and enjoy your little creation.  Then get real up close and look at your mini-forest in all its cuteness.  Awesome, right?

I moved the little forest from the kitchen to its new home - the living room.  I like where it is because being beside the candy, I know our visitors will always get a peek at it! (Sorry about the picture quality on these - it was late and dark... not a good photo-taking combo!)

One last look?  Ok :)

Here are the other 31 days of House to Home.Linking up at these great places, including: The 36th Avenue, The Shabby Creek Cottage, House of Hepworths, WhipperBerry and My Repurposed Life --Featured on Home Stories A to ZHome Stories A to Z


I fondue, do you?

