The scary washroom makeover begins


Let's just clarify that the makeover is not the scary part, the actual washroom is.So when we bought our house we were not super excited that there's no powder room on the main floor - I know... FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS!  But we obviously overlooked it when picking this to be our home, and the thing that made that decision easier was the full 3-piece washroom in the basement.  For our situation, it's absolutely perfect - Alex would be running the studio from home, setting it up in the basement.  This would keep clients from having to awkwardly come upstairs to see Luther and I every time they need to use the facilities.  To be honest, I don't mind the fact that our guests will have to go down there either, but so far not a single guest to our home in the last full year has used it because it's so scary and we won't let them!  This means people have to use our main bathroom upstairs - no big deal, but you know how sometimes people feel awkward about "going upstairs" in someone's house - it's where all the bedrooms are so it feels like a very private place, right?  Thankfully we keep things neat and tidy up there, so there have been no weird moments!Alright so back to the basement situation.  Want to see how sad-looking this little washroom is?  Ok... (Sorry about the weird angles - it's a really small space and super awkward to get pictures of, apparently!)

Basement washroom before

It doesn't exactly scream "Welcome," does it?  Then again, is that what you want a washroom to scream?  I don't know... All I'm saying is, it needs help.  Badly.  So here is a little something I've put together to inspire me to freshen this space up a bit.

OB-basement washroom

1.FEJKA potted daisy ($6.99) -- 2.HÖNEFOSS mirror ($19.99) -- 3.TVINGEN shower curtain ($9.99) -- 4.LJUSNAN box set ($6.99) -- 5.FEJKA potted succulent ($6.99) -- 6.SKAGERN hand towel ($4.99) -- 7.ÅFJÄRDEN hand towel ($5.99) -- 8.HJÄLMAREN towel hooks ($4.99) -- 9.HJÄLMAREN toilet roll holder ($7.99) -- 10.MOLGER floor decking ($8.50)

It's looking a bit monochromatic right now, which I don't mind at all!  The white walls (we'll get to that in a moment) will freshen up this room so much, I can hardly wait!  The different textures are what will add interest as I plan on also incorporating some thrifted finds, like a possible old wooden tray on the wall as shelving.  I can just hear you "oooohhh-ing" and "aaaaahhhh-ing" now!  The baskets, rustic wood shelving and other wooden accents will also provide a bit of warmth, and the quirky shower curtain keeps the whole thing fun and easy going (those also sound like weird terms when talking about a washroom...).  Last note about this - all 10 items (this doesn't include the shelf and sink) are just a little over $80 in total, which makes me very happy because I have a goal to keep this little revamp on a low, low budget!

So what are my actual plans?  So glad you asked.

Basement washroom to-do list

  • paint wall tiles (yes... I am painting the tiles.  There was simply no way our schedules would allow for major renovations here, so this is the bandaid we're putting on it)
  • take off those vinyl tiles
  • strip and varnish the cement floors
  • paint trim and door
  • add quarter round to baseboards
  • decorate!

When it's finished guess what will happen?  Yep.. you'll get to see it!  Until then, you can expect I'll be spending the next few days with paint in my hair, in old shorts and t-shirts raiding washroom accessories at IKEA, Target and Home Sense.  So if you see the crazy-looking lady at any of those places, that's me!

Wish me luck!

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Mid-week update


The Friday Five: {Tree} Stumped