The Learner Observer

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Tie-up Scarf Sandals {SCARF WEEK}

Day 3 of Scarf Week is upon us! And I'm back with another no-sew tutorial for you. I have a feeling I will be using this tutorial myself for quite some time because the possibilities are kind of endless, and when it comes to accessorizing, more options are always better, right? How about scarf sandals?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASo I know I told you that the scarf bracelet was the easiest thing ever to make? Well then this must be the second! All you need are 3 things:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOk... 4 if you count each flip-flop, but they come as a pair so I only counted them as one!

First, you'll need to cut your scarf in half lengthwise so you get two big, long strips.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANow as for how to make this, well get ready for a picture tutorial because explaining this in words would take FOR-E-VER!

SCARF SANDALS TUTORIALRepeat on the other side, then the other flip-flop and voila!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATie those bad boys up around your ankles in whatever way you find to be most comfortable. I tied mine around the back of my ankles first, back around the front and tied a little bow on the side.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPardon my feet... I have a severe hatred of feet because I think they are gross and weird, so taking these photos was BRUTAL for me. Looking at them after was even worse. Does anyone else think feet are strange? Ok let's not look at my feet anymore please. How about the sandals sans weird little toes?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOh and I found a way to put them away without the scarf getting all tangled up in itself.  Check it out - just tie loose knot on each sandal strap, and you're done!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASo easy, so simple, so cute! I know... now you want some scarf sandals of your own.

Want More Scarf Week Inspiration?

Well then, you are in luck because remember TEAM SCARFY? Image Map

Psst! Did you know the graphic above is click­able?!


Well, my three blog buddies are all sharing scarf tutorials today, too; it's a veritable "scarfnado" I tell you. {Groan.} Here are all four of our scarf projects for today, Day 3!

Scarf Week: Day 3. Four more inspirational scarf projects from four of your favorite bloggers. The inspiration never stops! Neon Fringed Infinity Scarf by Dream a Little Bigger Super Simple Cowl by Tried & True Stamped Word Search Scarf by The Thinking Closet Tie­Up Scarf Sandals by The Learner Observer Tie­Up Scarf Sandals by The Learner Observer Image Map

Click the images above or links below to check 'em out.
Stamped "Word Search" Scarf by The Thinking Closet | Super Simple Cowl by Tried & True
Tie­Up Scarf Sandals by The Learner Observer | Neon Fringed Infinity Scarf by Dream a Little Bigger


Giveaway & Link Party Reminder

Don't forget to enter our Scarf Week Giveaway for two! We have two crafty prize packs valued at $135 each with enough goodies to keep you creating through next year! Be sure to look back at our kick­off post to enter. You can enter through both the Rafflecopter widget and link party for scarf­related projects of your own. This giveaway ends Thursday night, August 14th, at 11:59 p.m. E.S.T. That's tomorrow night. Don't!

Today's Sponsor

A big thank you goes out to today's sponsor who helped make Scarf Week possible:

Scarf­Week- Sponsors­ILoveToCreateWith brands such as Tulip, Aleene's, Puffy Paint, and more, iLoveToCreate has definitely earned it's reputation as a leader in the craft industry. Whether you're into tie dye, jewelry making, or ceramic painting, iLoveToCreate has the highest quality supplies to turn your craft into a masterpiece. Visit the website for tons of inspiration and advice!

You can follow iLoveToCreate here:

website | blog | facebook | twitter | pinterestTomorrow I have an item of clothing that I made from a scarf to share with you. Can you believe that? I know.. neither could I! Until then!xoxo