The Learner Observer

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Weekend Winners ~ 10

 weekendHappy Saturday!  After last weekend's exhausting but much needed garden revamp, I'm still feeling ready for a nap!  It was a nice, short 4-day week, and yet it felt like a full one, somehow.  That's also part of the reason I didn't post any projects this week... Bad, bad blogger!    Let's just let it go, sit back and enjoy all this pretty stuff now...

Here are this week's winners:

Print An oldie, but a goodie!  Doesn't this make you want to get out some bleach and play fabric designer?  Love the designs and the clear instructions!  Coming to you via Holly Would Blog.


duct tape fridgeIf only I was brave enough for this... It's not just the fridge that is amazing though, it's the entire apartment!  Do us all a favour and go see it for yourself.  The place is tiny, but so full of charm and gold and pink and lovely details that it somehow feels like a palace!  The Hunted Interior is responsible for this one!


Screen-Shot-2013-05-17-at-8.50.53-AMMore pattern.  More gold.  More mint.  More wood.  Give me all of it, and what do you get?  This perfectly beautiful piece made using a pencil eraser by Nalle of Nalle's house, featured on It's Overflowing.  Love.


il_570xN.462052273_1qi0Let's continue with the pencil theme, shall we?  How lovely are these Inpirational Pencils by Charm & Gumption?  I think these would be so lovely as a little gift to someone starting a new chapter, or even to a student starting out a new school year.


sunrise sunset quoteThis quote made me laugh a little!  It's true how we feel about technology, but my favourite part was that he said "Word Processor"!  I think we can easily replace that with "_____ App" or "iPhone", no?  Thanks Vulture, for compiling an A-Z list of 'Before Sunrise' and 'Before Sunset' quotes... movies I adore, by the way!


WHALE JUGLastly (and get ready to sit back - you're in for a long-winded story), I just had to re-share this little beauty I purchased this weekend - sorry Instagram followers who have already seen this.  I'd had my eye on this whale for quite some time - a few months, to be honest.  Every time I walked into Home Sense and saw it, I had a hard time justifying the purchase because I was always there for something I actually needed (well, usually, anyway), and I didn't need this.  Then I went in to buy a small vase, thinking specifically of the gorgeous lilacs blooming in my backyard.  I had a $4.99 plain Jane clear glass piece in my hands.  It would do the job, though I wasn't excited to have it.  Then the whale was spotted... and the word "Clearance" was clearly marked above it.  I turned it over... Originally $16.99, marked down to $12.00, marked down further to $9.00.  I grabbed it with both hands, clutching at the beloved Jonathan Adler-esque white mammalian piece as if someone could have come around the corner screeching "it's MINE" at any moment.  I placed it in my shopping basket, looking at it every few seconds as I walked through the lanes of the store, prepared for a jealous shopper to beg me for it or worse, take it from me.  None of it happened.  I went to the cash register, expecting the cashier to mutter something along the lines of  "oh I can't believe how lucky you are to be getting this", but that also did not happen.  This did absolutely not diminish my excitement at getting this for almost half of the original price.  I promptly went home, snipped at a couple of branches for the lilacs, filled my little whale with water and Instagrammed the glorious moment.  Oh and the sweet little cutting board in the back?  Also a Home Sense clearance find.  My favourite word this week?  You got it: CLEARANCE!


Hoping for sweet deals your way on this chilly Spring weekend!

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