The chalkboard - FINISHED!!


Today was the day... the old window that has had its glass broken and replaced by particle board painted in chalkboard paint has been put up on a wall.  I have been daydreaming of this moment, this day, for a VERY LONG TIME.  If you haven't seen the beginning of this chalkboard's story, you can do so here.Here is today's story, told in pictures, of course!chalkboard hanging part 1My wonderful husband added two of these little gold thingies with teeth in them.  Yeah, they're awesome for hanging stuff.  Yes, I am very technical.  You get it, right?chalkboard hanging part 2Then he held the chalkboard awkwardly up on the wall as I looked on from the kitchen for the 'perfect' placement. Love him.  The chalkboard looks a little funky because I had just re-washed it with a damp cloth.

Paint samples still up on the wall... I have yet to make a decision.  Shocking, right?

I have a Chalkboard board on Pinterest for ideas of what kinds of things can go up on the board, fun quotes I can use in the future and general designs.  This is the one Alex chose for us this time around.  Not sure how long it will stay up for, but I definitely like it as a reminder for square chalkboardThis wall will eventually be a gallery-style wall-ish... I don't really know yet in case that confusing statement wasn't clear.  Just saying, there will be more stuff up there.  For the time being, I'm just happy SOMETHING is there.  It only took 6 months, after all!Thanks for reading along with this window to chalkboard journey!signature I link up here and at Catch as Catch Can.This post got featured :)featured-button1    March 21, 2013CLFeaturedButton1


My version of DIY Cameos


And the award goes to...